Paris Photo 2006
Fair: 16 Nov – 19 Nov 2006
Reed Exhibitions - Paris Photo
11, rue Colonel Pierre Avia, BP 571
75726 Paris

Paris Photo
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris
Paris Photo 2006 - The world's leading photography fair November 16 -19, 2006 at the Carrousel du Louvre Preview (invite only) : Wednesday, November 15th, 2006 Paris Photo celebrates its tenth anniversary with a sparkling selection of Nordic talent; Guests of honour: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden From November 16-19, 2006, Paris Photo celebrates its first decade with an outstanding panorama of 19th century, modern and contemporary photography, bringing together 108 exhibitors (90 galleries and 18 publishers) at the Carrousel du Louvre. With a rising number of high-quality candidates (almost 300 applications), the 2006 selection will be one of the most rigorous ever. Ninety international galleries will present solo, group and thematic shows of rare and previously unseen work, representing a total of 500 artists. With each passing year, Paris Photo has seen an increase in international participation, with 21 countries represented in 2006, up from 14 the year before. Seventy-three percent of the participants come from outside France. In addition to the 20 French galleries, the largest contingent of exhibitors comes from the USA (21), followed by Germany (9), Spain (7), the UK and Holland (5 each), Italy and Finland (3 each), Japan, Denmark and Sweden (2 each) and one representative each from Austria, Belgium, China, Iceland, Hungry, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, South Korea and Switzerland. Paris Photo 2006 will also host the best international publishers of photographic books. The big four -Phaidon, Hatje Cantz, Steidl and Taschen- will come alongside rare booksellers and distributors such as Florence Loewy (Paris), The Photographer's Bookshop (London) or Journal (Stockholm). The record number of 18 publishers participating in Paris Photo this year attests to the soaring popularity of photographic books, central theme of this year's Mois de la Photo. Spotlight on Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are the guests of honour for 2006. Three events to highlight the best of Nordic photography: The Statement section will host eight selected galleries from the honoured countries, presenting solo exhibitions by emerging contemporary artists: Trine Søndergaard & Nivolai Howalt (Martin Asbaek Projects - Copenhagen), Per Bak Jensen (Bo Bjerggaard - Copenhagen), Heli Rekula (Anhava - Helsinki), Axel Antas (Heino - Helsinki), Hrafnkell Sigurdsson (i8 - Reykjavik), Eline Mugaas (Riis - Oslo), Annee Olofsson (Mia Sundberg - Stockholm) and Maria Hedlund (FlachGeiger - Stockholm). The Central Exhibition will feature a selection of work drawn from the collections of photography museums in each of the five countries. The Project Room will present screenings of fine examples of contemporary video art. Curator of Spotlight on Nordic countries: Andrea Holzherr, art critic and freelance curator The BMW - Paris Photo Prize For the third consecutive year the BMW-Paris Photo Prize will be awarded to an artist represented by a gallery participating in Paris Photo. The theme for 2006 is "Pleasure. Distilled." A panel of international experts will choose the winner of this 12,000 euro prize on Thursday 17 November. Work by the 35 finalists will be on display during Paris Photo. Close-up: privileged access for collectors to what's happening in photography in Paris The Close Up/Private Viewing programme offers invited collectors and art professionals VIP access to the latest on the photography scene. In November, Paris will be the world capital of photography with the Mois de la Photo which includes exceptional exhibitions such as Candida Höfer at the Louvre, La donation photographique de la Caisse des Dépôts at the Pompidou Centre, Lee Friedlander at the Jeu de Paume, La photographie de Maurice Denis at the Musée d'Orsay and Regarder Vu: un magazine photographique 1928-1940 at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie. List of selected galleries : 798 Photo Gallery (Beijing), Luis Adelantado (Valencia), Agathe Gaillard (Paris), Juana de Aizpuru (Madrid), Oliva Arauna (Madrid), Art 75 Galerie Yves Di Maria (Paris), Ausstellungsraum25 (Zurich), B&D (Milan), Baudoin Lebon (Paris), Bonni Benrubi (New York), Daniel Blau (Munich), Janet Borden (New York), Brancolini Grimaldi Arte Contemporanea (Florence), Camera Obscura (Paris), Camera Work (Berlin), Michèle Chomette (Paris), Clairefontaine (Luxembourg), Charles Cowles (New York), Anne de Villepoix (Paris), Deborah Bell Photographs (New York), Johannes Faber (Vienna), Fifty One Fine Art Photography (Antwerp), Les Filles du Calvaire (Paris), Flatland (Utrecht), Foley (New York), Eric Franck Fine Art (London), Fucares (Madrid), Galerie 1900-2000 (Paris), Galerie f 5,6 (Munich), Hyundai (Seoul), GB Agency (Paris), Gitterman Gallery (New York), Howard Greenberg (New York), Hamiltons (London), Robert Hershkowitz (Sussex, UK), Michael Hoppen (London), Edwynn Houk (New York), Charles Isaacs Photographs (New York), Jackson Fine Art (Atlanta), Galerie du Jour agnès b. (Paris), Robert Klein (Boston), Van Kranendonk (The Hague), Hans P. Kraus, Jr. (New York), Alain Le Gaillard (Paris), Lumière des Roses (Montreuil), Galerie m Bochum (Bochum), M+B (Los Angeles), Magnum Photos (Paris), Marvelli Gallery (New York), Max Estrella (Madrid), Mem (Osaka), Laurence Miller (New York), Robert Miller (New York), Yossi Milo (New York), Priska Pasquer (Cologne), Ton Peek Photography (Utrecht), Moises Perez de Albeniz (Pamplona), Photo & Contemporary (Turin), The Photographers' Gallery (London), Picture Photo Space (Osaka), Serge Plantureux (Paris), Polaris (Paris), Le Réverbère (Lyon), Yancey Richardson (New York), Rose Gallery (Santa Monica), Sfeir-Semler (Hamburg), Bruce Silverstein Photography (New York), Galeria Filomena Soares (Lisbon), Staley-Wise (New York), T20 (Murcia), Taik gallery (Helsinki), Toluca (Paris), Torch (Amsterdam), Galerie Lydie Trigano (Paris), Van der Grinten (Cologne), Vintage (Budapest), Vu' la Galerie (Paris), Esther Woerdehoff (Paris), Thomas Zander (Cologne), Van Zoetendaal (Amsterdam) PUBLISHERS: Antiquariaat L. van Paddenburgh (Leiden), Franck Bordas (Paris), Librairie La Chambre Claire (Paris), Filigranes Editions (Trézélan), Harper's Books (East Hampton), Hatje Cantz Verlag (Stuttgart), J.J Heckenhauer (Berlin), Journal (Stockholm), Librairie 213 (Paris), Lodima Press (Revere/USA), Florence Loewy (Paris), Tissato Nakahara (Paris), Denis Ozanne (Paris), Phaidon (Paris/London), The Photographers Bookshop (London), Schaden.com (Cologne), Steidl (Gottingen), Taschen (Paris) STATEMENT NORDIC COUNTRIES: Anhava (Helsinki), Bo Bjerggaard (Copenhagen), Galleri FlachGeiger (Stockholm), Heino (Helsinki), i8 (Reykjavik), Martin Asbaek Projects (Copenhagen), Riis (Oslo), Mia Sundberg (Stockholm). Press and Media Coordinator: Guillaume Piens - Paris Photo Reed Expositions France: 11 rue du Colonel Pierre-Avia - BP 571 - 75726 Paris Cedex 15 - Phone + 33 (0) 1 41 90 48 91 - Fax + 33 (0) 1 41 90 48 59 E-mail: guillaume.piens@reedexpo.fr

Hanna and Hanna dying eyelashes
Italy 2000
courtesy of Taik gallery, Helsinki

Untitled (eight grey), 2004
Gallery i8

Overflow, 2004
Galerie Anhava