Nicolas Polli »
À table avec Nico !
When Strawberries Will Grow on Trees, I Will Kiss U
Exhibition: 13 Oct – 28 Nov 2021
Wed 13 Oct 18:00

Espace Images
Place de la Gare 3
1800 Vevey
+41(0)21-922 48 54
Wed-Sun 14-18

Nicolas Polli (Switzerland)
When Strawberries Will Grow on Trees, I Will Kiss U
During three months of confinement in the spring of 2020, Nicolas Polli went through a period of profound solitude and uncertainty. He then drew on his artistic resources to stage this fragility that he had never felt so strongly. Confronting his enclosure, he frantically began to compose still life and images from everyday objects. His imagination challenges his doubts and desires. In his depopulated apartment, he gives meaning to banality. His own body also becomes the object of new attention: vulnerable, it demands a fantasized presence. Sensitivity is mixed with sensuality when Polli addresses short poems to an unknown, idealized and eroticized figure. Finally, his series When Strawberries Will Grow on Trees, I Will Kiss U paints a sin- cere and delicate portrait of a universal loneliness.

Nicolas Polli (Switzerland)
À table avec Nico !
When artist Nicolas Polli photographs the disturbing still lifes he creates in his home, magic happens: courgettes do the balanc- ing act, a few twisted spoons become characters, loaves of bread serve as slippers and cutlery seem to levitate. Fifteen jubilant images are brought together in a playful display, spe- cially designed to inspire children at the heart of L'Appartement - Espace Images Vevey.