you're mine #001 , 2014
Lambda print
104.8 x 162 cm
Private collection
Courtesy: TRAUMARIS, Tokyo
Roppongi Crossing 2016: My Body, Your Voice
Momose Aya » Ai Hasegawa » Ryuichi Ishikawa » Mari Katayama » Futoshi Miyagi » Hiraki Sawa » Jun Yang » & others
Exhibition: 26 Mar – 10 Jul 2016

Mori Art Museum
6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku
106-6150 Tokyo
Sun-Thu 10-22 . Fri, Sat 10-24

URASOE from the series Okinawan Portraits 2010-2012, 2010
Digital print
Dimensions variable
Emergence of Alternative Histories, Alternative Images on Physical Body and Gender, and Alternative Landscapes
Mori Art Museum is pleased to present “Roppongi Crossing 2016: My Body, Your Voice” from Saturday, March 26 to Sunday, July 10, 2016.
Staged by the Mori Art Museum triennially since 2004, “Roppongi Crossing” is a series designed to offer a comprehensive survey of the Japanese contemporary art scene. For the 5th edition, through the different methods of art production of the 20 artist groups selected by the curators from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan working together, the exhibition will examine a wide spectrum of Japanese contemporary art and contemplate the society and art of today.
With globalization, the continuing development of IT and the proliferation of SNS platforms, individuals now more than ever have the ability to communicate with the world as an individual. As well, with increased opportunity for virtual communication via the Internet, there is an inevitable change in self identities and in relationship between the self and others. Thus a review of the variety of existing frameworks in the society as well as the sets of values that until now have been taken for granted such as social systems and gender role is needed.
This exhibition features artists that shine a spotlight on individual events and stories based on their own research - through which alternative histories, alternative images on physical body and gender, as well as alternative landscapes emerge. Who am “I”? How is my body connected to history and to other people? The sense of past and future, of oneself and other people - through art we will explore new relationships between the world and oneself.

The Recording, 2014
Video installation
13 min. 41 sec.
Photo: Shiigi Shizune

(Im)possible Baby, 2015
Digital print
Dimensions variable