Photo documents of performance art and conceptual explorations 1960s - 1980sPhotography in the IVAM collection after 1950Photographs from the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1940–2001Trace, narrative and concept. Photography in the IVAM Collection after 1950Selected Acquisitions of a DecadeA selection from the Millot-Durrenberger CollectionFotografie und Video in der KunstsammlungSchenkung Heinz E. ToggenburgerEINE AUSSTELLUNG IN MEHREREN KAPITELNStories and microstories in the IVAM collectionA Stroll Around Our Green Planet
/ Ein Streifzug über den grünen PlanetenEARLY VIDEO ART (1965-1976)An Exploration of Film and PhotographyThe First Survey of All Photographic Works Made by Artists for Parkett since 198425 Jahre! Gemeinsam Geschichte(n) schreibena word is worth a thousand picturesKenneth Josephson and Contemporary PhotographyWorks from the Gaby and Wilhelm Schürmann Collection7. Triennale der Photographie Hamburg 2018Four Decades of Photography in Print American Photography after the War
Works from an important private collectiona group show curated by Christopher Rauschenbergtrois expositions et un festival pour la création du Centre Pompidou 34 artists and 84 writers from Los AngelesVariable Dimensions - Artists and ArchitectureEntre el fotograma i la pàgina - Between the Film Frame and the PageNew Directions on the Art of the Moving Imagea group exhibition to consider the stock image in contemporary art and culturea group exhibition to consider the stock image in contemporary art and cultureNew Directions in the Art of the Moving Imagein the IVAM photography collectionThe video art collection of Neuer Berliner KunstvereinThe free open-air photography Festival in Vevey, Switzerland8. Darmstädter Tage der FotografiePhotography and Daily Life Since 1969Interfaces between visual arts and pop musicSixty Artists, Fifty YearsKunst in Los Angeles 1950-1980Bedeutende Sammlung konzeptueller FotografieFilm und zeitgenössische Kunst aus der Sammlung des Centre PompidouFotografische Geschichten aus Amerika Positionen des SelbstportraitsObras da BesArt - colecção Banco Espírito SantoPositionen aus der Sammlung des - Teil 2Die Videosammlung des Ludwig ForumVersprechungen von Bild und – Teil 2More than 160 works by 30 artistsFeatures 8 LA-based Master Photographers Plus 3 From LA TimesInternational Center of Photography - Year of FashionLe paradis, ou presque - Los Angeles (1865-2008)Collection Isabel et Agustín CoppelFilm and video art 1961-1985 Set 5 aus der Sammlung des Fotomuseum WinterthurDie Anfänge der Videokunst im Spiegel der SammlungSettimana della Fotografia Europea // European Photography weekObras y documentos de la Colección Herbertinterfaces between visual arts and musicchiusura estiva dal 2 al 31 agosto16 contemporanei che usano la fotografiaHighlights aus privaten Frankfurter Fotorgafie-SammlungenHighlights aus privaten Frankfurter Fotorgafie-SammlungenA cura di Francesco Bernardelli Highlights from the Stedelijk Museum in the Netherlands |